Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Trash to Treasure Tuesday

Today is Trash to Treasure Tuesday on Reinvented by Kimm so I thought I would share pics of my little T2T project.

This is a table I got at a yard sale for $2.  I had been looking a table for the kids to eat at for a while and couldn't bring myself to spend the $40+ dollars for the ones I'd seen.  So needless to say I was super excited to find this little treasure.  Unfortunately it was a mess!
It had been sitting outside, exposed and was all yuck mildewed!

It also had a nice little gash and a piece was missing.

So with a little Epoxy wood filler and a whole lotta sanding and painting, it became this.

You can go here:

Great Giveaway at V. and Co.

So earlier this week I showed you guys the wheat pillow project I was working on and last night I showed you the finished product.  Well Vanessa over at V. and Co. was who I copied got my inspiration from.

Today through Friday Vanessa is giving away one of the things I have wanted for while now.  A handmade, cool, funky, stylishly designed camera strap from Shay [B].

 If you haven't been to Shay [B]'s Etsy shop, run, don't walk there right now!  She has some of the coolest designs and I have been drooling over them for weeks!

So go!  Check out Shay's goodies and check out Vanessa's great ideas!  Vanessa is also doing So You Think You're Crafty for the next few weeks.  It's a design challenge (sort of like the Project Runway of crafting, I LOVE IT) featuring 10 very talented designers.  You can see the challenges and designers and vote for your favorite here.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wheat Pillow

This is the pillow finished! This was such a fun project to do! I am thinking of making a twin for the chair!
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Just a little preview of what I'm working on for Christmas

These are glass tiles (about the size of Dominoes) that I will be making into necklaces for Christmas.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Adorable Wheat Pillow

When Brent and I were looking at wedding bands way back when, we decided on a set that were engraved with wheat on them.  I don't know why, but they were nice (read cheap) and ever since then we've tried to incorporate things into our home that also had the wheat pattern.  We ended up with a nice area rug from my mom that had wheat on it, and we (this weekend) acquired a very nice oak dining room table with a wheat pattern on the chairs.  So when the projects for So You Think You're Crafty for last week were revealed I was super excited!  If you look at Craft #5 - V and Co's Wheat Throw Pillows you will see why I HAD to make some!!

I ran to Walmart after church today and picked up 2 yards of Muslin and a roll of freezer paper.  I already had the spray paint I wanted to use, and that's all I needed!  It was super easy!

I haven't put the pillow together yet, because I'm waiting for the paint to dry completely but so far I am incredibly impressed!

Here is the link to V's tutorial:

And here are some pics of my wheat patterns:

The soon-to-be-throw pillow

My new dining room chairs:

My area rug:

And finally my wedding band:

Monday, November 9, 2009

Inexpensive Holiday Wreath

In years past, Brent has always been the one singing Christmas carols in July.  The thought of crowds and shopping was enough to send my anxiety in a tailspin!  So usually around October 31st, I would go out into the back yard and bury my head in the sandbox.  Well not this year!  I am so getting my craft on and now I can hardly wait for Christmas to come!  I already have visions of sugar plums dancing in my head!

So in preparation for this holiday season, I was perusing the ninety or so blogs that I like to follow and I came across this little number.

It was ridiculously easy to make!

I started at Dollar Tree and picked up these.  I got 4 sleeves of each color and ended up having about 15 ornaments left over.  Each sleeve was $1 and the roll of ribbon was $1.

Grabbed one of these from my mom

Carter helped me cut the strings off

Then I hot glued the tops so they wouldn't come off

Next I strung them on the hanger and Viola!!

Add a pretty ribbon and it's ready to hang!

Final price on Inexpensive Christmas Wreath

Ornaments              $16
Ribbon                    $1
Glue Sticks             $2
Total Price            $19

Saturday, November 7, 2009

First Blog post Evah!

Yay! I am so excited to set this up! Hopefully I will have some really profound and engaging things to say! If not, I'll apologize in advance!